What I think? EPIC
hahahaha OMG that song is ****ing awesome. But the video was meh...i could barely see anything. Could you just give us a vague explanation of it?...
iiHectic are you going to be submitting a map?
Woot! Sweet
No, it's not official. I have yet to download any of the currently submitted maps. And after that comes testing, and then finally judging. So it...
Ehand when are you gonna submit your contest map? It's getting close :D
ODST comes with all the current DLC maps (heroic, legendary, Cold storage, and first part of mythic) plus the three new mythic maps. So in your...
No. It can be transmitted through more than just kissing. Getting sneezed on, taking a drink from someone elses water bottle, anything that...
Ok, so I watched all three tutorials and I'm still having some trouble. Could I possibly send you a FR or something so you can help me sometime?
Oh. My. Gawd. These jumps are amazing dude! It mustve taken you guys an insane amount of time to even think of these jumps let alone do them. Can...
Just a friendly reminder to fix the link whenever you are able to
Ummmm....is there not even a download link? Has no one else noticed this?
lol. well that sucks dude. Hope ya can get it fixed soon! :D (your basement, i mean) And after looking at the pics some more, ive got a couple...
Wow, well the architecture is very well forged. The bases look splendid and neatly designed. I also like the addition of the team banshees. It...
I noticed that there is no sniper in the weapon list. Did you take it out?? P.s. I'm looking forward to testing this map :D
Alright i'll put you down. Thanks!
My Xbox Live GT is CV41. And do not worry, I got it all under control :D. I will make sure to send out a notice a few days prior to testing...
Yes, you can delete the other objects when you are finished with the map. And all I really need from your submission is a DL link on B.net. I will...
Alright. What i will do is just go down the line in order of who signed up to test first, and whoever can't make it, i will just skip to the next...
Lol I take it you have a few ideas for this?