How did you make this? [IMG]
I see you have started you career of giving infractions not taking them :)
you took top rep
Happy Birthday DRiSCROLL have a good one
Bl00D F1R3 This is a very good video and thread, it showed me a new way of geo merging. This should also help alot of other people.
Wow the aesthetics are amazing! Picture 1 contains the coolest stuff. The interlocking, and geo merging is amazing too. I really liked all the...
That was pretty funny, i liked it because the old guy fell asleep while walking on the road.
Looks pretty fun, the gamplay doesnt look that good, but it could be fun. I think the interlocking is great and the walls are pretty cool. Its a...
Hey i see ypu posted pics but they are way too small to get an idea of what they look like. PM me if you want to learn how to make bigger pics....
Wow looks like an amazing map. I really like the aesthetics also the circle thing in the middle is pretty cool. Also i think the interlocking is...
Eveyonr unfortunaly i will be not making BFM anymore because i dont get that much post anymore, and its just a hassle to do it and hardly anyone...
It was weird seeing you in green on recent visitors i had to blink a couple of times
Sexy Y35
Hai how do you make your sig with the slideshow?
Ok im just anctious
Ok look for inactive members
Can i be a judge for H3Foc please 8===D
Hey take Textured sun about of Mini Mods...He is a MOD
Wow very nice aesthetical map, the aesthetics are problaly the best part. I think the interlocking is great too. Gamplay seems incrdible though....