Hey look at this thread i made to help new members http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/37541-new-member-training.html
Hey give me the link to the websight you told me to go to
Hey do you know what lord terrax's websight is called?
Hey congratz, Horizon is on FH favorites
Also if you see some spam from a newbee give them the link to Training ill fix um up
Oh thanks i would like to stop the spamming, so i mae that
about 10 Thanks
New Member Training
What? you dont make sense I didnt say anything about red base and blue base
U you gave me bad rep for given the guy advice, the person who made the map even agreed with me
Oh no problem ill be glad to help
Umm you have two of the same pictures at the start. But for the map i would say its ok, there isnt really any interlocking, but the gamplay looks...
I have to go with DRiSCROLLS [IMG]
Here is something i made for everyone who is artistic Make Me A Sig
Make me a Sig! Hello everyone, i have brought you here to make me a sig. I would just post this in a sig shop but i dont know what i want. So...
Woah this looks like a very fun map! There geo merging is incredible. You have tons of geo merging everywhere. You did a good job merging it so...
Could of been constructed better, also the thread itself needed some cleaning up. Put a longer description in and some details. The gamplay doesnt...
I tested this out and it was so much fun! The gamplay, and aesthetics were the best. I really liked how it played out. Some of the geo merging is...
Well i love the thread, very well writen, also the map, its a little plain, but the geo merging is great! Its a nice clean and tidy map, maybe add...
Looks like an ok map. The aesthetics are ok, but i suggest you add some more things in there. Use some more interlocking, and more objects, i...