I hate bob faget
Oh Hey, i havnt been making sigs to much, i stoped using gimp for some reason. I guess i never really got how to make cool ones.
what did you type in for your newest pic on i like girls?
Hey whats the link for the sight where i posted my sig request?
Welll lets start off with the GEO-MERGING. the floor is incredible, you interlocked all of the boxes far into the ground so only the top shows....
i were playing wit you yesterday
Wow Bl00D F1R3 this was one of the best maps i have ever played. First lets start out with the aesthetics. The geo merging, made the aesthetics...
i love the office its on tonight...i know that you know what its on tonight
You an office fan?
Im Cartman: Kyle I kick you i the nuts
Actually no, a mod closed it
Since i know you and your known ill add you
Hey whats that websight where i posted my sig at?
Hey i saw you playing Halo earlier today...I never knew you went on forgehub?
bad rep bars!!!!!!!!!
I love you man you gave me my second bar!!! <3
Hi, hope you feel better <3
Oh so is the fall update this month
Oh ya about the xbox live thing, i is happening to everyone because xbox is being updated. thanks though