Well of course, that's why it's called Mirror Visor, because of it's pure reflection. I made a 'Chief' Visor for you though: Chief Visor Had...
Hm? Use them for what?
One of the many, apparently.
If you mean use it as inspiration, then sure.
Same here.
Thanks, although I doubt camo pattern'd armor will ever be implemented in Halo 3, I'm hoping being able to change the color of our visors comes...
Re: Bungie 500 (Featured) Superb map, Glimflicker. I'm hoping once my group at bungie.net grows large enough we can all race at the Bungie 500,...
So after recovering (slightly) from a massive hangover I had this morning, I went online to check Bungie.net. One of the news post's had 'Forge...
After I registered I noticed there was a Graphics and Arts sub forum, and I figured what better way for me to start contributing to the Forge Hub...