But hey, if your brutally honest at least they can't get your for lieing :P. You inescapably be the most trustworthy, even if hated, person they know.
Map Title: Echo Complex An objective based map with two bases and one center, nuetral structure. Download Map Description: This map was thought...
Well hello fellow forgers, I have come at last to hinder your steps towards glory. No, Im not full of myself, merely trying to make an impact so...
I read the topic and followed it to the best of my ability. I do not have a specific gametype for the map, nor do I have screenshots at this time.
Map Title: Outpost 21 A level with high girders and several angles of attack as well as two bases. Download Map Description: This map is made to...
__________________________________________ "Embed Your Pics!" [img] This thread may not reach "Forge Hub's Quality Standards" and may require...
Well, since I have alot of stuff to show and I really really don't want to kill any 56k's in this topic, I am going to link to my photobucket and...
Blu-Ray has just given HD-DVD a devastating blow. Almost everyone just dropped HD-DVD and now only Universal and Paramount remain (I think its...
My gamertag, Emn1ty, originated from my earlier handle of En1gma. I decided En1gma didn't flow to well so I looked for a word similar. It didn't...