This glitch was done and found by: Berkgina Slowhandhendrix Onixasr3 Bloink (sorry you couldnt be there for the real video) Famous Bryan we will...
this is me (berkgina) slowhandhendrix, rillybob, and stealth out of the storm which we were the first to do uless proven wrong, if you want a...
[IMG] got bored made another sig so yea, CnC please
i got bored and made this sig in 7 min's so yea maybe not the best but still i think it looks ok, im not entirly done with it yet though, by...
i was just foolin around with some effects and this is what i got [IMG] couldnt decided on a text/font yet but i will add some. CnC please
YouTube - Funny Hammer Pants / Flash Mob prank HD i found this video very funny and awsome. post comments and enjoy!
Hi, im looking for somebody to create a banner for my social group Forge Designers and Custom Game Whores basically thats all that needs to be...
Hi, This is my recap of the TGIF #35 I hope you all enjoy here's a video i made of the night YouTube - Halo 3 TGIF #35 Recap Video during this...
this is a recap video i made of mine and foundationz customs game night if you like what you see then send me a message so sign up to our social...
where can i download the cat n mouse that people play on tgif if you could give me a link id apreciate it
YouTube - how to play grifball here enjoy
YouTube - Indestructible - A Halo 3 Montage - Lots of MLG! look at 7:30 i have played this warmup before but never got the map does anybody know...
YouTube - HOSTED BETRAYAL :: Justified Betrayal :: By Eclippppppppse awsome clip post your opinions on wheather or not you think its justifyed
[IMG] so yea just say what you think of it
sry just had to put this up its really random and made me laugh YouTube - THE BEST CAT VIDEO YOU'LL EVER SEE
im not very good with stocks but yea have a look [IMG] CnC please
I saw Marshyd13 in a game of living dead on halo 3, he quit early so i said he was a *** because he quit early, without thinking i had forgotten...
[IMG] this is a new sig i made i would like to see what the community has to say about it please CnC
i made this sig but i cant think what kind of style of text to use any suggestions? [IMG] and CnC [IMG] so yea this is the new edited...