That's crazy.
I created a map very much like this, same thing Bowling and has the Grav lift ball return. Big difference is the gate and I used two fusion coils...
I put the download link to the video, you will have to get it from Bungie even to look around to try and find what killed me. I do not have a...
I can not create a video to the PC so you will have to download to the Xbox sorry. Now you may think I am trying to show something kewl or haha...
That second Man Cannon stick was great.
Hey, I am new to FH. I love the Halo series and I am new to using Forge. I mean I new it was there but never really cared. I usually just care...
Does not seem real, was this staged? If not could I get a source?
Nice to see Microsoft Sam is getting put to some use, way to go Windows txt(text) to speech.
Blu Ray all the way, holds a lot more data on the DVDs.
I use Photoshop CS3, I have a friend who does pro. photography and gave me his since he got it from his course and his job has it. I am not too...
I was reading some news on and found out about it.
I'm a major, I do not play Ranked games anymore since after I got all the Achievements.
Apparently there is a War on Scientology thanks to the group known as Anonymous. They are on a raid with DDoS attacks. Sometimes the most...