I liked the stick it was pretty neat.
I lol'd I liked it.
What the hell that is his dad? He sounds really nerdy and has a high voice. It was funny.
lol, I remember playing paintball at 14 and damn that hurt with out the gear, this kid had gear on bu only protected his face not head. I LOL'd
I got mine off of eBay. It works great although I needed and extra RCA cable to record off the TV. For some reason the S-video cable was not being...
this was egh...
To me it does not look too much like the Warthog however I want that HX. This reminds me a lot of one of the cars in that crackdown game.
Looks like it cost more money to make this then it cost.
Yeah I am still waiting for mine to come in, it should have came in yesterday but w/e. My S-video out card comes in tomorrow can't wait then I can...
Re: Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret ROTFLOL "I wonder if there will be cake?"
I am very jealous, wish I was good enough to be mentioned in EGM
Just got done rebooted router and still nothing. I don't see why my packet fragmentation needs to be set to 1400 if the router already negotiate...
Well on both routers the MTU is set to 1500(a.k.a. default)
I think that their is a way to, I heard somewhere that with a hybrid system you can take the mods on XBL but it's not being released on how to...
No what sucks is no one has responded with a recommendation on how to actually solve this issue.
For starters I have the same problem. I have looked the error code up online using the Microsoft Error reporting. They have a set of known...
lol, this was funny.
This was neat, I have not used Gary's Mod.
I liked the end.
I have seen the quality it's not the greatest but it still looks alright and gets the job done. I just hope my AMD s Video out NIC still works.