1. They are meant to storm in and try to kill them 2. it is on the ground and even if it wasn't I wanted a roof to make it look trapped in 2a....
When the covenant spawn there will be a teleporter. There are 5 recievers on different blocks such as stated and another sender on each of them to...
Thats how it is meant to be as it's the last stand and the Covenant have backed them into the corner
Last Stand - FireFight Created by ACES Xx BliTZz Supported Gametypes: FireFight Map Description In a lockdown base, the ODSTs have their SMGs,...
Okay, i have made a map for firefight in which it randomly gives covenant a class: Grunt Brute Fuel Rod Chieftain Invisible Mauler Brutes Thhe...
i could try and have a go at a Bobsled Track :) Nice ideas
My new series of BattleMaps starts. Hopefully it doesn't finish as soon as. So far I have made a map called BattleTrench which is pretty tight...
put your ideas :D
Look at the Medals and what can you see that they really look like hmm? [IMG] Become the HULK! [IMG] Ruin someones day [IMG] Become a Terrorist...
Akimbo Spree - Get a 5 kill streak with duel wielded weapons Turret Spree - Get a 5 kill streak with a Machine Gun Turret Pistol Spree - Get a 5...
Youtube Video - I know it isn't the best but it shows the Map well. YouTube- AC-130 - Halo 3 Forge Map
I put it so the AC-130 Crew are invunerable and immune to headshots so it's rocket-sniping only :)
AC-130 Created by ACES Xx BliTZz Supported Gametypes: Reign Down Map Description AC-130 is a VIP map in which the VIP team spawns and has to get...
Looking for three other people that are good to do Vidmaster Challenge Endure. If you want in, add my GT - ACES Xx BliTZz FCFS - I will not...
The New one is out and can be found here YouTube- Team Snipers Montage With advice taken from the previous thread, I hope you like it and rate it...
Everytime I get something worthy on Team Snipers, I usually delete that video and redue it. That's my second copy^ (I added Contruct yesterday and...
This is not meant to be a professional video but if you do like it then good. It is my first Montage so don't blam all over it please. Yes I do...
Okay, I have an idea of a Youtube Series called Paparazzi. Basically, I say a topic like, Warthog Splatters or Laser double kills etc and you send...
Problems Submitted: Wingspan: Well, I would extend it but the lower one pushes into the skybubble floor and if I put another wall underneath, it...
After my old AC-130 not being any good at all, I started this morning to make a proper effort into what a real AC-130 is like. There are going to...