Lame, I saw the video on youtube, your just good at taking screenshots kid.
can I delete replys to my post?
In all honesty...we didn't we just made this map for fun. And which one isn't a hairpin turn?
Yes it will our aim on this map was a shotty snipes with a twist (the vehicle only bridge).
I'll add some pictures up later.
It you fall off of it there's a teleporter below each base for you to use to get back up! sorry I forgot to tell you!
Thank-You, I have to admit, they're not huge, but standoff doesn't have much objects you can float, then on top of that you have to make 2, it...
We never even knew anyone else used our bridge technique( featured in several of our maps) I promise you, we don't steal ideas.
How do I link it to the "bungie forum" I can't get my account linked because of a long and annoying story that I don't feel like...
Re: Floating Standoff Multi-Flag Map I care about it bro no doubts.
Re: Floating Standoff Multi-Flag Map ***MUST SEE*** They have to ride back to they're (or the other teams if your a complete idiot lol)...
Not a racetrack just a looptyloop to jack around on. Try my other aps though I have Flag, Tower of Power, Infection, and Race map variants in my...
LOL!!! thanks bro enjoy.
Re: Floating Standoff Multi-Flag Map ***MUST SEE*** Ok guys I'm pretty sure I got it all fixed sorry about all that.
Re: Sky Wars *MUST SEE* Ohh they're not small at all dude, try it out. And sorry about the screenshots I'll get them fixed.
This is a sky map with two symetrical bases that include a armory, battle ground, sniper posts, armored turret post, and a special bridge that...
Hey guys we'll try to even up the map a little and the grav lifts are for show only if you fall off your suposed to go back to the beginning,...
Damn there's alot of rules here, great map though dude.
Thelastlaugh27 I know there's been a million made why do you comment everyone of my maps, diss them and advertise your own? Please leave and find...
There is no actaul track so to speak but if you all would like I could make one, woul that be cool? And sorry about any misunderstandings about...