Yah dude thanks.
Then you have to wait. Or have a bud come get you. On an updated version we made we put neutral spawns all over the road and took one mongoos from...
Lol thanks I guess. Tell me how it goes?
No we used a newer method you can get a fence wall low enough so that you can't crouch, but just high enough so that a person or 2 on a mongoose...
Eruption Yes is a vocano based map but with some twists. It's a map best played on VIP, NEUTRAL BOMB, or TEAM SLAYER. First of all in the middle...
Yah, I got 100 posts lol.
That's like 4 months old.
I think I'll consider it.
you really think people will make halo 4?
Cool try to use melting objects though.
my bad sorry.
I'm extremely sorry for the double post but I would like to let those of you know who signed up that me and ccspartan will be online at around 3...
Awesome dude if the alternate list gets too big I'll make a second team and assign a team captain. Keep coming guys we're going to be unstoppable.
Your in. I put you on the alternate list but you'll prob. play 100% of the time due to ppl not being able to get to there boxes.
Yah I know I'm usually on the crappy end with horrible noods on my team. So this should be crazy. And DarthYoda19 that doesn't matter we need...
Awesome guys this is working out better then I thought. I was thinking of it to be an actual team thing where we keep doing it. I think we'll have...
Alright cool guys I'll make an updated list in the post and then when we get 6-8 people total I'll try to find a time that we'll all be cool with...
Does anyone want to create a FH official BTB Team me and ccSpartan001 are currently 20's in it and need decent teammates reply to this if your...
Does anyone who likes to arm the bomb and is good with the bomb want to play some grifball with me and my cousins? We need someone who can get in...
You put everyone of my maps to shame. I quit forgeing. You Rock. Off to play Griffball lol.