I don't like the health system, and how a guy went into armor lock, I stood behind him, ready to assassinate him, and when he came out, he somehow...
Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of people are playing the beta right now. The Halo Reach server simply can't handle it.
Lol. That's the only thing I don't like about Bungie. They have the crappiest release dates ever. ODST came out on a Tuesday, and this beta is...
Well, believe it or not, not everyone knows when Halo Reach will be released. I posted this for the people that didn't know yet.
I decided to go on to Bestbuy.ca to see if Halo Reach could be pre-ordered yet, and it said the game would arrive in warehouses on September 1,...
If you ever see it, point it out and I will go on a major killing spree to the noob that may have stolen it. If you saw it here on Forgehub,...
BTW, I wear Mark V and I don't have the flaming helmet.
Before you use that flaming armor, ask yourself. Is it really worth it? Pop your head up, and any sniper would instantly see your flaming helmet....
Sorry, you were playing Dead Space while I was testing, and I didn't want to bug you... Anyway, anyone found what my next map will be yet?...
SILVER CAVE Hi guys! I'm back, with my last competitive map for Halo 3. However, I will be making two more aesthetic maps. I'll talk about that...
In the Halo books, when they (ONI) are creating the Spartans, they add carbon to their bones, making their bones unbreakable. This would mean that...
Alright guys, drop the SMG complaints. It's not in Halo Reach, so don't worry about it anymore. If you want to fight over the SMG, make a post in...
Yes, it does. If you watched the new videos about Reach on Halo Waypoint, you would see a Spartan fire a rocket at a Banshee on Boneyard. The...
Another random bit of info by the weapons list poster. The Missile Pod may be gone in Reach, as the Rocket Launcher has vehicle tracking (like in...
Personally, Matchmaking is killing Halo. I'm not joking, but 90% of the games I play in matchmaking, there is a private who gets far more kills...
Just a random bit, the Mongoose is 100% guaranteed to be in the final game and may possibly be in the beta. During Bungie's new ViDoc, at one...
BTW, "the more the merrier" does not apply to guns. It means everyone could always take the same gun over and over, cutting down on map fun...
Lol, spam Anyway, I find it very freaking awesome you made a sick layout with little or no interlocking/geo-merging, looks very beast. Just...
Are you sure there won't be any players camping in the logging area? Sorry, lol, I just wanted to get that out. Anyway, this does look like a...
Damn, why can't they sell a Multiplayer edition where it just includes the game, the Elite armor, and the Flaming Spartan armor? >:(