its looks like an extremly well thought out map :) and also very fun to play. another thing is you got your first post spot on so yay !!! now...
looks very well made, large and unique i like it :) dl l8r k?
I actually swear you already posted this map :z
I think this map will be interesting for screenshots. therefore i will recommend making a v2 with immovable objects and putting some aesthetics in...
Disagree, harsh i know but i think this map looks nasty but it does probably play well if your into infection and dark and creepy things.
doesnt have to be abandonded it could just be a water chamber, or a place where people dont need to go. In all seriousness people do need to think...
Hm unfair take another look he has interlocked all the walls and bridges and i think that not having the boxs interlocked gives it a nice feel...
nice interlocking maybe a better oview though?
interesting seen something along these lines before but nice
its looks much like another map ive seen not too original but hey nicely made.
Ive merged bridges on rats nest before and i can on a regular basis however wether im not doing it right or due to game gayness for somereason i...
looks interesting ill dl l8r and try
Looks very well constructed only issue is RL i dnt like them in symettrical games but thats just a personal preference other than that looks very...
Holy poop ive never seen this on here before thats hot. all round perfection 5/5
Looks nice dude, just went through quite clever for your first map maybe place the shields closer to the floor to stop shield camping but that...
nicely done very nice and looks good too!
"Hey btw i think its unfair that you wont say how to use switches, I know as ive used it in my Vendetta map however if your going to mention that...
nice idea :)
Looks very nice a little like another map i saw recently theres a few small gaps that i can see in yourwall strctures that would drive me mad as a...
looks orgasmic very clean and neat but damn cant wait to pay it