this looks stunning ill dl after i get my stupid vampire curse off me in oblivion then ill get back to you on how it plays ;)
I actually think an armoury on this map could serve a purpose. camping is an issue in such a small map? i think not there is no obvious - DEFINATE...
Hey I see your having trouble embedding your images into your post, well dont worry here is a quick way to fix this problem. Step 1. Access your...
nope, get that map back up this instant, it wasnt a bad map. not for your first it had a good idea and if you listen to the constructive critism...
i think your great you always manage to get something about your eyes when you name is eyeless sid lol soz i just think your awesome but yeah what...
** Screenshots are like cake, cake makes the world go round. even though it appears your post is in the wrong section and should be moved to...
it probably is old judging by "finally got featured" comments but the mods have gone back and obviously thought yeah this is worth featuring in...
heh its looks cool but not once did i actually see the curve in your shots .
looks incredible i love circular on halo my list is full so il lcopy to my fileshare so i dont forget. I love the walk way around the centre...
paint ball isnt a big sport in england but my friend plays it semi pro and i think its great and this maps look awesome ill tell him to dl these ;)
over used idea this, but it seems to push the other over used zombie concepts out the way this has three interesting entrances making the gameplay...
looks superb except where it reads "sniper and mauler in front of the danger signs" are they the signs on the pipeline of foundry? or have you...
if this works well i will be amazed :)
glad you got your pictures to work this map - i am pleasantly suprised :D, looks like a really nice oval circular shape thing you got going...
i personally like this map resembles a jungle gym well, nice use of interlocking could have probably benfited from glitching the walls and floors...
**EDIT** i didnt see the above post but i feel my guide for posting screenshots is far more valuable to help this person so if an infraction is...
i suppose this post in unfinished. well ill keep it open im eager to see a decent jungle gym yet to see one
looks like the only mlg style map ill enjoy dl now