hmm it would be alot better if you went over and interlocked it so it was perfectly smooth but its not essential good job not seen this an actualy...
very nicely done act, much better then what i can pull off on foundry, it looks like your interlocking is supuerb qued
Not sure what your trying to achieve but this post is in the wrong forum buddy try a general discussion page or something
Hey I see your having trouble embedding your images into your post well you half done the job but try this guide, , well dont worry here is a...
ahh I did this on my own, I first of all got a turret to float against the window then from the top of the tower fell onto the turret then got...
glad you think so :)
Thanks man, Im trying not to use foundry other maps have a better atmosphere and not a gloomy factory but theres much limited building resources
Thanks my last version only supported 3 gametypes so i thought i would make it with more ;) EDIT All gametype links are now fully functional
Thanks sweman i saw you viewing this and knew you would post, thanks every thing lovable about v1 is still their but more aesthetics !! :) could...
Greed v2 Created by Chicken Dippah Download Greed V2: Here Many of you may have seen my map that I made on the 23rd of May 08 called Greed,...
ahhhh okay anyway im off now bye
This is so in the wrong map area im losing interest within the first line Infection + competetive, doesnt work my friend theres been an increasing...
are you sure the pixely font isnt because of the image being resized or was that the original size?
its nice but does FH have a watermark? if not i think we should have one tbh i think maybe not that picture mix a few together of FH best of...
oh sorry to hear that from you, infact ive only heard it from you so can you should some light onto why its so awful as im currently making a...
Heh this map actually looks like a fun game i like the idea of falling down = inevitable death, i love it when people make maps in favour of the...
Huh my first impressions were quite confused but after reading through your post and overlooking your screenshots it all came quite clear of how...
your first map holy hell, its nicely made i specifically like the skylight effect you have going on i never thought about foundrys roof like that...
interesting i dont fully understand it, i will never use this in a map but i will probably rebuild it just so i know the technique thanks for...
Looks very big, which isnt really my style as i make confined maps for smaller teams but this seems nice for a large 5v5 or so. I like the...