almost :P heh thanks man you downloaded?
Heh glad you like it, i was thinking of making more maps on ratsnest but the response isnt good enough to keep making maps lols
Nah i cba to finish the video just seeing how the quality would have been and it sucks more ***** then elton john so ill leave it.
Looks a lot like amplified and onslaught put to gether tbh
My card doesnt capture colour it sux... And i cba to split the signals for a montage lol
Yeah I'm making a montage its 40 seconds long atm! Basically me thinking im good whilst shooting with a sniper rifle:squirrel_evil:...
Hey welcome concussion =] where you from? Im from England, nice to see you joining the community who ever you may be ;) If you ever need a hand Pm me.
Once i finish my latest project on standoff ill post it in the aesthetics section along with a pimped out mongoose, and an asortment of other...
I probably will and make seperate maps for screenshot purposes :) after my current project anyway
ah ok then all hope isnt lost :) ill keep updating this if i ever get round to it
Thanks guys you've really helped now im having doubts with my map idea well using one of the bases, and including an outdoor section all closed...
heh i didnt expect people to like it - i was just showing them what bordem + forge + warthogs do lol
Heh glad you like it bringing back some memorys, your shots a very good i like them!
Well its more of an aesthetic feature but the cannon surprising SOMETIMES works it shoots through the glitched missle and hits w.e your aiming at...
Im afraid you've ruined your chances of ever getting a download from me. Stealing ones maps then posting more of your "own" never goes down well...
Did you even read my post hellokitty? you used the exact same picture your the worst theif I have ever had the displeasure to speak to atleast...
Hey nanimctutu some one has just reposted your map and they say its yours...
You sir are a theif, seriously why would you fake you made this map when it was posted like 2 weeks ago come on wise up if your going to fake maps...
Thanks rey I have to say though I cringe looking at your sig that shizzle should be censored or something - Ill probably pimp out every vehicle...
What happens after your final ever exam to take at school and your waiting around to get a job... I turned my 360 on earlier and was forging...