make clipping masks of the checkers and then play with the brightness and stuff...It might make them look better.
maybe add a little more perspective to the cracks on the bottom?
I personally don't like for people here to know how I feel. Course, I'm a very private person until I get to know you (After that I'm like BAM!,...
Christmas, not as far off as you think.
pretty sure I"m not.
Gurssury's Gallery <its just to my resource section. anything there, or everything, whichever. Forge Hub Spring-Summer 09' by ~Gurssury on...
well, having ok ones are better than having none, imo...
how bout eyes and a mouth?
I get by fine with gimp, but in the long run if your going to be doing hardcore stuff jump for the cs4
huh? I was shows new tonight ya no.
who ever that is in the pic... don't look like that.
k...I'll try and add you, not to good with the msn mechanics, usually just let people add me.
hey, you got msn?
updated with 'E's...not the best tho.
Loshon EGP Miraj STW RST Redo on Mace Redo on Youtuber anyone else?
Not a random sig shop, its just that the GnA members never get sigs made for them so I made I was really bored when I started and I...
Updated with Hari's...felt sorry cause of his tear. I'll be looking into getting the following people: Loshon EGP Miraj STW anyone else?
give it some difference in size and shape of the stars, the green color looks...horrible and ugly...the lighting on the planets is off, and...