I'm watching a House episode that I missed last season.
your interrupting my show
was that filler actually necessary?
hey flr
probably, I've done that before actually.
yeah...that would work
what they are in the program...just check for things like spark, vine, ect. if they are there tell me cause that is a easy fix.
well, the obvious first step would be to go see if they are still there. You know were they are?
hey welcome to forgehub, be sure to read the rules...Don't hesitate to post a visitor message me with any questions.
Impact, champagne and limousines, arial...I use a few more but those are the main ones...
I have a major headache right now...
its good.
its ok...
lol, hey.
Ice? I haven't posted in here yet...I personaly like the color scheme, but I not a big fan of the little 'inspire's in the box. I would suggest...
yeah...the trailer scared me enough, avoiding that. Last time I went to one thing like that I went with my dad. Clutched him the entire time, I...
Once again, hate to bump old threads, but theres no need for a new one. Anyway, I want to continue this, but I can't seem to think of what to...
lol, way to pick someone I can't vouch for. Anyway, about your story writing and xbox. I have a story currently 16 single spaced pages long, that...
try looking that up on da is all I can think of...