the guy gave me this stock and told me to get creative... [IMG] I don't like the text... CnC
How do you get the 3-D onto PS CS4? It tells me I need to reinstall the component... Do any of you know how to reinstall it or are having this...
[IMG] The guy who requested it says he was like a guerrilla fighter in Cuba err sumtin.. CnC
[IMG] For a SOTW on another site: [IMG] I like it...
Some girl wanted this for her and her friend, couldn't find any couple stocks so I put a bot in a girl stock so it's kind of awkward... [IMG]
[IMG] My SOTW entry, CnC, I think its k.
Finished these two requests and got these outcomes: Made for E Dee, it was an interesting request. He gave me an MC stock and a palm tree stock...
Made this for E Dee at my sig shop. [IMG] CnC
[IMG] I think its my best work yet, CnC.
[IMG] CnC please! I don't want your criticism, thank you.
Another large piece: [IMG] And another one, don't ask about the top, cuz idk either, he just wanted that there: [IMG] CnC
My friend wanted me to make him a sig on another site and here is my outcome: [IMG] I like it, what do you think?
Made in China Made in China is a FFA map fit for 2-8 players.It was once an old fortune cookie and weapons producing factory. Unfortunately when...
With or without Black and White? [IMG] [IMG] Stock [IMG]
Made this for someone on a different site, hated the stock he gave me, not my best... [IMG] CnC
[IMG] Made it for a SOTW on another site. Idk... You'd hope that the focal would be brighter or more protruding than the BG but it was the...
My SOTW entry [IMG]
[IMG] I don't know how I got this but... CnC