I think I figured it out. The thumbnail shows up just fine when viewing this site on a Mac, but I just saw that it doesn't show up on a PC for...
What is the rule I was breaking with the thumbnail image for my Velodrome map? I read the map posting rules and didn't see anything that I violated.
What is the rule I was breaking with my thumbnail image for my Velodrome map? I read the map posting rules and didn't see anything that I violated.
I just uploaded some floor plans for this map. Check them out and let me know what you think. They ended up being quite a bit of work, but were...
Burn by Hi Im Erupt
@ The Govener, I'm glad you had fun on the map. I think it just take several games to get use to using the skybridge. It really has to be...
@ goomaestro005, I won't be at all offended if you incorporate the destructible skybridge into one of your creations. I'll send you a friend...
Thanks Zow Jr. I was really trying to make sure the map aesthetics were interesting. The destructible skybridge works extremely well. I spent a...
Here are some newly created floor plans of Velodrome. They were made in CAD and are extremely accurate plans of my map. I use CAD all the time...
I believe my single map won the top spot in every category and the three runner up positions in each category as well.
I hope people don't get too turned off by having the beam incorporated into maps. I've been thinking about using it in a future creation.
They added two days to the deadline.
I really like the way you created the curbs.
It's a fine line between maintaining the cool sense of disorientation and the need to provide some sort of helping reference for the player. I...
@ Problem, The cube architecture is all set to rotational snaps of 45º increments along two axes. once I had the pieces at the correct angles, I...
Map Walkthrough Solution Added I've added the solution video for this map to the post. Maybe it will help some of you make it through the map....
They made Nov. 30th the cut-off date.
What are those criteria for symm. arena?
Where is the line drawn between these two categories (team slayer and symmetrical arena) in the contest. What's the difference besides the...