Thank you to everyone for the great positive feedback. While I initially envisioned this map providing more opportunities for some open,...
This looks like a very free flowing map without seeming too random or wide open. While at first it appears to lack enough cover opportunities, it...
I love that you were able to run with a single strong architectural theme on your map. You created some good areas that draw the players to them...
Video update: Seems the guys at Machinima have created the video for Narrow Extent that I've been too lazy to do myself. I would've focused on...
Looks like a very cool map. It is unique looking and has a good contrast of light and dark spaces. I think the movement through the map will be...
I really like the truss bridge, though whoever is in there is a fish in a barrel. Perhaps a little too much risk for the reward.
Glad to see you posted this map. I liked it when you took me for the walk-through. It has nice combinations of different sized spaces and open...
From the few screenshots you posted, the map looks really interesting. It'd be helpful if you were able to show an overview of the layout and...
This just happened to me a few nights ago. I was moving back and forth between two maps I'm finishing up. When I tried to open one of them up...
Your action shots are great. They show movement through the map and show off the aesthetics of the map at the same time. I'd use one of those...
There are many clever and innovative uses of forge objects in this map, and that's just from seeing the pictures. It's very well forged and...
I see a little more than just the pre-made buildings, but without some other pictures, I can't tell exactly what is going on. Get a few other...
Very impressive map. At first it looks a little overly simple, but once you start seeing it from ground level, there's a nice complexity to it....
I would've liked to add lighting or lighting effects, but it would've bogged down the frame rate. I added object colors mostly in the lower...
For your thumbnail, click edit @ the bottom of your initial post. Now click "go advanced". You'll see an entry titled "thumbnail image:." Paste...
The pictures don't do this map justice. They just don't convey the scale and flow of the map the way the video does. The map looks great and...
"I have to say, this map is really intimidating. Looks fun as hell but now look at what the rest of us have to compete with! Damn leegeorgeton,...
Great job. Don't worry about the aesthetics comments. If you're doing an accurate remake, there are going to be times when pieces may have to...
Derezzed by Bleuprint Channel by Impended Immersion by Alzarahn
My map, Velodrome has a destructible skybridge that works very well. The rocket launcher is located there to draw players in while the trigger is...