Cubeskew 2: Skewed Harder is finally finished and available for download. It's a puzzle map that messes with your sense of up and down like no...
Cubeskew 2 is finished. Give it a try. Check out the Cubeskew 2: Skewed Harder thread.
Cubeskew 2: Skewed Harder Preview Video: YouTube - Halo Reach Forge Map (Altered Gravity) Cubeskew 2 Preview‏...
If you've played the original, you'll understand how I was able to accomplish what's seen in the preview video. If not, it will be tough to wrap...
Seems my ISP had a portion of the route blocking access to for some reason. I called them last night and it is now working for me....
It looks great. How much interior space is there? It looks like there could be room for quite a bit but seems like there might not be.
I mistakenly linked to this preview thread from a few other sites. If you're arriving here due to that mistake, click the following link to go to...
I've emptied the cache and deleted all cookies. Still no luck. Perhaps's not allowing access from Macs for some reason. I had a...
I haven't been able to access the site for two days now, not on my home computer or on my work computer. I've noticed maps submitted to Forgehub...
There isn't a way to convert CAD files into Forge maps. You can only build them in the game. I just used cad to show the layout of the map.
There is a soft kill zone on the upper roof to prevent camping up there. I made conscious decisions on where I would include and exclude...
Thanks for the positive feedback and suggestions. I've added the weapons list. As far as my inspiration for the map is concerned, I just really...
Welcome to Vaulted [IMG] Vaulted is a Gothic cathedral-type structure located on the top of the Pillar in Forge World. It has three main...
@ Shurshacker, Thanks for the positive comments and constructive criticism. I can tell that the Palace of Fine Arts was an inspiration for your...
I like how the map actually looks like a facility and not just a collection of forge parts. The layout looks balanced and interesting to move...
Looks like a great map that will do a good job of re-creating many of the fun game play aspects of the original map. Seems like anyone familiar...
"It just seemed like you focused a little too much on aesthetics over gameplay." How does adding a dome to a building constitute focusing too...
I did a walkthrough on this map just after you submitted it for the 2v2 contest. I've been waiting for an opportunity to comment on it since...