If I'm going to post anything lengthy, I write it in word first, then copy/paste it into the forum.
Interchange Plans Here are my early plans for the map. There are a few minor differences between the actual map and these plans, but overall I...
Jade by Audience – Sorry I missed getting to play on this. Chimera by unrivaled – I enjoyed moving through this map, but only because I liked...
I do plan on doing a remake of it, but no time soon and I was going to make quite a few changes. Feel free to remake it if you'd like. I'd like...
I like that most of the paths are curved. It's done consistently throughout the map, so I imagine it provides a strong architectural theme for...
"Camber: this played better then i thought because i looked at it before the game and didn't like it. However i still have some problems with it....
I'm in. I'm not sure I'll have anything new to try out, but we'll see.
I love the look and feel of this map. I'm happy you were willing to rework so much of the original to make it more functional while maintaining...
Camber – I’m not sure if I’m happy about losing the weapon icons for the initial weapons in order to use placed versions with lower ammo counts....
This has been my stance since Halo Reach came out.
Lighting-wise, I prefer the map as it is shown in this thread with the shadows as opposed to the version we played in yesterday, biobeing. You...
Your diagram with the elevated highway and the tunnels/catwalk seems like a good possible solution to the issues brought up.
I'm going to change out some of the ordnance drops for normal weapon spawns with less ammo here in a bit. Ghosts will be added for each team as...
Great looking structures on this. I appreciate the grand scale you try to build your maps to. This looks like it'll be a blast to play in. I...
Map Name: Camber Gamertag: LEE C G Recommended Players: 4-16 (most suited for 6V6) Recommended Gametypes: Plays all game types except Dominion...
This is a beautifully detailed map. I seems like there's such a large amount of objects in the middle that the frame rate would suffer a lot, but...
I haven't played a game on it yet, but I took a jaunt through it last night and was very impressed. It's fairly huge and I didn't notice any...
I like the grand scale of the map. Like was mentioned before, it does feel a bit like you're in a warehouse instead of a monumental structure due...
I love the layout and look of this map. The structure of it is eye-catching. There is a good mix of larger and smaller as well as open and...
I ran around in this map and found it pretty cool. The layout is easily understood and it feels fun to move around in it. The drop-downs on the...