Two bases above a curious gorge stand as a tribute to the Forerunners. My fist real map attempt in Reach, criticism would be great. Great Divide...
"I cannot carry your burdens Mr. Frodo, but I can carry you." [IMG]
[IMG] Your undying hatred of Buck has caused him to become depressed. Congrats jerks. *sniffle*
Basically I saw the front of the Phantom on Sandtrap and it looks like either a pig or a dog? I have had some debate on the subject, what do you...
Yes yes I know. I know the system on how to put in screens, I just put in the wrong link.
[IMG] It may not be the most original screenshot ever, but I chuckled a little.What do you think?
Go ahead. Post a link so I can see.
Looks more like Rorschach to me.
PAWNCH! [IMG] I feel sorry for Buck, but at least he got a kiss after it.
I actually made two variants. This one was a "All Hope Is Lost" thing, while the other is not. Want the other one?
[IMG] Loss. Grief. Sadness. My own little ODST snapshot I took awhile ago. Hope you enjoy it. A more peaceful version. [IMG]
[IMG] My first real screenshot and one of my more deeper ones. Enjoy.
[IMG] Killing the Flood and looking good doing it.
Pathos v3.2 "Asymmetry takes on the form of map wide walkways and raised platforms. Plays mainly Objective games. 6-8 players." -Map Description...
I would have put some guardrails on, but I hit the budget. I even made this off of a stacked map. I'll have to see what I can do.
[IMG] Pathos v3 Download Link "Asymmetry takes on the form of map wide walkways and raised platforms. Plays mainly Objective games. 6-8...
I now have another reason to fear Brutes. [IMG]
It isn't my best work, not by a long shot. I just had to make it however because I was inspired by Halo: CE. The top layer of flooring for the PPG...
[IMG] PPG-059 is based off one of the Phase Pulse Generators you would find on Halos. It is a symmetrical map with different bases on each end...
[IMG] Ah yes, Fresno, California. One of the key counties of the Central Valley. In 2552, it was granted a space theter to easily transport its...