I like the look of this map, it wold be very fun and i could imagie it being quite scary with the zombies having no waypiont and so on. Looks...
I think you are wise, yes very wise you have the mind ability of me.. almost. Anyways yeh great screenies! That rhymes with meanies and peepies!!
I agree your pipeline is fantastic but lets not talk about that here. Your map looks amazing and the pictures show it off very well. I think your...
sorry clicked on wrong thread haha already posted here
pretty safe map man, looks brilliant. I love the look of this map and it looks well forged and neatly interlocked, cant see any geomerging, doesnt...
I could not agree more played well but i do not think that the openness of parts is a problem it provides different sites and battles i.e. long...
I love this map soo much. Wanted to dl and try before i commented. Great map I played with 3 guests on 2v2 capture the flag, even though its not...