lol i could watch this for hours....
I agree with the title.. that is GODLY!
Zombify is the clan name i would pick :D Zombie map fans... im actually going to go make a zombie map in a bit.
I am a blizzard fanatic so i know what is going on (my friend works for blizz) Starcraft 2 = RTS Diablo 3 = MMO and i think we all know about...
Yeah they look like pokemon cards... they even have the yellow boarder :D
Shoop da Whoop+Halo=OWNAGE lol
Me and my friend have been doing that... we just pick whoever wants to get the achievement first and then let them get the 15k or 50k points and...
Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? Needler because if you know the right technique you can pwn a shotgun, assault rifle, and even an energy...
because they own too much :D
Shoot+B+throw grenade+B+X+B if i remember the sequence correctly.. i threw away the piece of paper i wrote it down on :D
LOL i just tried BxB and i got owned lol apparently they fixed it... anyone else upset about this?
thanks :D
Thanks :D being a total retard and humiliating yourself by commiting a stupid suicide has its advantages :D
Thanks! Now i dont have to use a screen recorder with sh*tty quality!
you like it?
n0 bung13 w1ll n0t r3w4rd gl1tch1ng n0w st0p t4lk1ng l1k3 th1s!
[IMG] :)
Number of the beast was insane too... the flames were awesome!