Heheh, welcome i guess :P
You sound like a pretty cool guy... cant wait to see some maps come out! Welcome!
BR owns dude... if he gets close martyr xD
goodbye spiker+mauler combo... i knew ye well :(
yeah ill add you
yeah they should have gone more into the middle of the U.S... they only went to L.A. and N.Y.C.
omg thats definatly a hog lol
Well, i think you should have read http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=1205.0 (guidelines on posting your topic) But it sounds like a...
Re: Sesame Street LOL very very funny xD
easy being the key word :D
Oh come on lol
lol i liked it :D
T.T I am torn between B-Day and IWHBYD :( i can say mythic is my favorite gold skull though
I want to see one like the middle of Tsavo Highway.. You know, when the phantom comes and drops off all of those guys, and comes again to do the...
Me neither... I have had a few suggestions for features in forge. • Spraypaint, allowing you to change the color of boxes, barrels, and...
Yeah i agree... I would love to do this but it would take too much time >.>
Anarchy Good for close combat maps. Monarchy Bases maps. Lockdown Indoor maps. Rebellion Bases maps. Just a few i have come up with over the...
When i want something to disappear, i make the wall out of Crates and make fusion coils spawn in the air about 30 seconds into the game, which...
Also, there are "Starting Points" when you change the game type. It is very important you place these in the map. One more thing, the catagory is...
LOL! I love this!