I love 1v1 maps, as I don't have many friends to play with. Thanks for all three maps they are great.
mass effect or dragon age with a big emphasis on ME. Its not a series to miss.
Oblivion and Fallout 3 rocked. Some people just need to be told how to play a game.
How is it that twice as many people dl my gametype over my map? I should have just saved my time and only made the gamemode.
I apologize for that, but editing didn't work. I wanted to put a pic in the thread title. When I Previewed my post the link to the pic was gone....
Just in time for game 5 of the Stanley Cup Finals, I present NHL hockey on Halo. I was inspired by MENACEtoSOCIETY's map ice rink. But I wanted to...
This. If you could make it playable that would be sweet. Inside, or on top.
Ill just make a few gamemodes and decide which ones are most fun during testing
It was before the NHL formed. Either the 1st or 2nd pacific coast team to win the cup, no matter what Gary Bettman says.
oddball, KOTH, or slayer with lives
They only lost the away games. wait till they lose a home game before you give up. I am late on making a special SCF map. oh well.
lol thanks. but that doesn't seem very hard to implement. Make killzones coincide with ball spawns. Whatever not a big deal. EDIT Can different...
Is there a way to make it so certain killzones make the ball spawn in different places?
Killzone. Because you would die in the water anyways sweet map man this is great especially the mini hemorrhage and asylum. perhaps someone...
Map Style: terrain race Map Name Preferences: Map Quality Named After: Map Name Meaning: Map Description: A There and back race (meaning you...
Hangover 2. might as well just watch the 1st and pretend you re in Thialand.
because in my game you have to shoot killballs at your opponents with a concussion rifle. However that won't count your kills. It would only give...
I appreciate you response but I knew this. I knew that it would count your deaths, but not your kills. At the end of the game the winner would be...
I made a small arena for killball dodgeball. Unfortunately I can't think of a way to score properly. I can only make a game that would count how...
that sounds really fun, but I was thinking of slayer. But I need to find out a way to make the odd man out be able to get his hands on some...