oh well I was using a burn tut to see waht it would come out like.
One thing I thin kis that you should lock sig requests for now so that you can get the others done and then open it up so that you dont have such...
Nice! That sounds awsome! The update for my gallery is that I have a new sig in!
Check out the new sig that I just made!
Yeah that would be nice to see a comment here and there.
So what is the update on your progress
They are great rey! I like the first one
Lol yeah I need to get better text and text tuts. Ok will! Dude the pic is awsome!
oh ok, hey since i am trying to help you here can you check out my sig gallery more coming tonight let me get my homework done tho.
I dont think that it matters. On most boards with sig shops it doesnt matter what hte sig is requested as as long as you follow the format for...
Hey can you send them to me too! I want to see!
Hey dont you need a really espensive illegal thing to mod?
Rubber plz finish this first!
I guess Al is more leanent on as's like posts. No wonder why he doesnt get mad at me!
Ok, are you going to submitt it to bungie? Is there a way to test the map?
ok and you need to add a lot lol.
ok well can you make the base by the river? Oh and when is the new pic coming out?
damn I have a lot of ideas, I like the cave thing. Make the cave in a under water cave where they take a sub or tele up to the top of the...
See and battleon has been like 10 yrs
Anyway you could make the second base near the lake in the back and put a new water vehicle for halo there.