Hey rey can you help me? How do I slow this down? [IMG]
Right here http://globalsigalliance.com/forums/misc-tutorials/13186-gimp-rain-effect-animation.html?highlight=Gimp+Rain hey anyone know how to...
yeah mine too, but my favorite form was the yellow one, I use gimp lol
thank you so much al, how do you like my new sig.
Not bad for just starting GIMP. The one thing that you should try to do is take up the free space. I will link you to some good tut websites....
Damn that is good! maybe you should make rain ones like this it would be cool if you did somethin like that if you can in your spare time! <a...
Hey AL I made a new sig if you would like to check it out go to my gallery it is a rainning one my first one but i think it is ok, hey I may apply...
No I am showing al my new sig that i made.
nice Al, another sig here it is [IMG]
Yeah sorry it was the placement I would fix it but I dont know how to go back in gimp to fix it...
It is not bad but a little big dont you think?
Opps lol well I dont know I need your oppinon first if oyu check out my gallery plus i want ot get 1 or 2 vectors done first.
Hey I made a new sig again it is in my gallery I think I might start up my own shop whe nI figure out how to do vectors.
Lol, Well I am more of a grudge background person that is what your gift was.
Rey do you think that I should start one?
You could say plz because rey has to work hard to make these sigs and it would be nice to say plz instead of demanding it like that, or that is...
Al the chief one is the best so far. Nice job.
That one is ok, I made a new sig! Purple furry [IMG] I still think my best one is my gift to Rey.
Nice one Rey but the one you made me is better lol.
http://forums.tutorialized.com/gimp-66/ All of these have tuts for you http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=2349951&mpage=1&key=�...