Is theree a free program to do that?
ROTFLMAO thats a way to tell him anyway I am sticking around to see the sigs you make.. DUDE battle on has better sig makers then here but there...
nvm, but he is a begginer like me so(more experience with gimp tho0 so give him time and he will become better.
Because I hit go advanced by accident when I was finished and tried to get it to post, when I hit the back button I didnt see the message so i...
Oh crap I didnt know that that one went through! I will delete it thank you for catching that!
Lin, If you read rey said that he thanks him for trying to take some of the stress of his hands.
Rey I know. You live on the other side of the world so it is hard to communicate lol.
Yeah I have to work on that, anyway when iI get hom from school today more to come.
Ok I will try to think of some... bye
Yeah taht sounds good, and possible... hmmmm.....a... few... sniper towers...
Sigs are fun to make(once you get the hang of it)
OH sht so you are a game designer! SWEET! I want to be either that, graphic artist, or a comp programer. You could also put in either abandoned...
What exactly is this? A new map that you want bungie to put into the game?
Posibily put is some ruins...
That sucks, 11 when I am done lol.
Ok thank you, gimp buddy lol, anyway I hate doing the rendering part it takes a while to do.