ODST Head Scout Shoulders Katana Chest Steel Primary Red Secondary
I'm sorry but this thread is just fail. You need to learn proper grammar and English before you come onto this site and post. People here are...
oh boy that would take alot of objects haha. Hopefully someone could pull this feat off. If you do that I will be very impressed.
Nicely done, another great map on the ground level of Sandbox. Like I said in another map thread you don't see that many great ground maps for...
Make sure not to over work your muscle. Instead of getting more tone you can seriously damage your muscles and cause some major problems. While...
Thanks Fish, but I have got it all good. I got my part of the song that I needed and have posted my video up on youtube. My youtube Channel's...
Pretty good layout. Alot of nice forging done in this packed tight area. I would do one thing though. Add some more spice to it. The hallways and...
Alright thanks. Hopefully I can find a DRM Ripper that is virus free. This gametype and map will be based off of L4D's survival mode. Once I get...
Can do, my GT is KSI Dirty MaG( I just left KSI...) Send me the map varients and I will have them up!
That sucks... Looks like I am gonna have to find a torrent. Yay, viruses and trojans.... Thanks alot though. I forgot all about the DMV
EDIT: Can a Moderator please lock my thread. My problem has been solved. Thank you for your help guys =)
oooh I like this one. The grassy layout of the middle section is just amazing. Not to mention I see great forging experience seeing that there...
I like the layout to this map. Not too little and not too much. You put effort into making this your own and that is what counts in a map. Very...
I will download them to check it out. I will be back on this thread to post and see if I can help with anything or not. Just message me if you...
First off- Don't double post. Say you need help in your first post don't make another. Second- I have a capture card and would love to help. So...
Pretty cool. I have finished my Survival Mode Level. I am making the video for youtube and then I am going to post it here on FH. I will also...