the first picture is pretty epic. i love my hyabusa helm and sword =)
pretty funny glitch. i like the first pic.
haha ive never seen anyone use scenery like do you float the guns like that?!
like the idea. you could make various filters activate with timers to make it look epic
i love the idea. realy creative and unique. it would inspire me to make a map like it if i didnt suck at making traps lol
great map! Its a shame you have to use powedrains instead of RJs but i think the overall quality of the map makes up for that. i especially love...
wow 5/5 i dont often dl but this deffinately looks like its worth taking up one of my 5 remaining custom content slots :'( a realy original idea too.
i can see the inspiraton from sikmanniko and bart's chapel, its well made and looks great....keep it up!
its good, although i think you need to make the backpart a bit more triangular as it does look slightly like a peacock, but the body and legs are...
yeah, i try to keep it basic inside, i prefer to concentrate on the outside looks. dont forget to comment and check out UNSC Battlestorm
UNSC HAIL OF EMBER The avalanche ship [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] This map is a ship on avalanche called UNSC-D43-Hail Of Ember - it a second...
its a little small and bland, im not sure what its supposed to do...does it walk? it like a mining AT AT walker or something...?
argh it sucks eggs. learn to float and merge before you make a ship, look at my ship unsc battlestorm if you want to know how it should look. and...
definately downloading this one, it doesnt look at fustrating as most puzzle maps but just as fun. i like the way theres a time limit to the whole...
that looks realy fun, i love minigames and i loved cat and mouse so its worth a Dl, looks nicely geomerged.
looks good ill dl.
this map is amazing. realy well made and thought out
nice, surely worth downloading
very nice 5/5
right, theres a picture of the inside up. Dont forget to comment if you already haven't.