when can you play our 2v2 match dude??????
Well anything else?
Thanks guys
Thank You, and BluePenguin yes I made this map you can even look up and find the original version I posted a month ago.
Phylum Description: Phylum is a MLG foundry map made by me, CR0553D. What makes Phylum unique is the fact that it is technically a 9 base map....
No more comments?
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/15261-phylum.html Phylum by me CR0553D, This map plays really well for MLG TS and MLG Hill, and...
Thanks for the comments so far guy's
Thanks for the comments so far guy's.
Jumps from the sides
Phylum Description: With all the new Asymetrical masterpeices coming out I thought it might be a good time to do a new symmetrical map since...
nice I didn't think any one knew how I did that but I guess I was wrong. although I actually just put it on a weapon holder not threw it.
[IMG] NOTE: This is not an edited picture, or modded in any way, this was took In Game Using a glitch I discovered for adding this symbol to...
Thanks for the comments.
I just updated the link with V.5, the final version I intend to make on this map, the only major change is a new open box under the middle where...
I can see were you guy's are getting this exactely like Onslaught idea, but if you play the map, you will see alot of differences, and have you...
Thanks guy's i'm still doing a few changes and tweaks to some of the little awkward areas, but i'll wait a littlwe bit before I post the next version.
Thank you for the comments and if you check the top post you'l find a slightly edited map fixing some of the bumps and a new "variety Version".
Alright The pics are fixed guys
yeah why is there a second thread and can I get rid of it?