Dude, you're worried about not having XBL for 15 minutes, my account has been suspended indefinitely until I pay Microsoft to renew...
It already does anyway, No one can use their killstreaks rewards if an EMP is out. Might as well go all the way and have the EMP affect the owner...
I've been a Firefox user for almost a year now, Ad blocker was one of my first add-ons I ever downloaded for it...Very useful...
Thing is with the EMP is, not only does it disrupts your radar, hud, and equipment, it also destroys anything in the sky, meaning friendly and...
I think Tversity is better. You can listen to any music that is on your computer. By default, only shared folders are accessible by Tversity, but...
you rock...
No, not really... A large area, yeah, but not an entire city.
Cobras aren't as scary as they were in CoD4. I blow'em out the sky before they even reach the map. My setup is, Harrier Strike, Chopper gunner,...
why have a phantom and pelican gunner? Why can't you use the phantom as a harrier strike and the pelican as the chopper gunner. You could also...
You can't get mad. The chances of getting those 10+ killstreak rewards are very small. Most of the time you get ammo and uavs from the...
Wait, so for 41 kills, you didn't get a single death?
I always wondered how to quick scope? Can it be done with the Barrett .50cal? I never really use intervention in multiplayer...
Yeah I like the whole idea how your sword changes with the your character and the things you kill. Lol, if you kill lots of innocent people you...
Yep, I only use Holographic sight with it. I mean, i can't see how you can miss with the FAL, I only only had accuracy problems when I used the...
What!? FAL inaccurate!? Maybe you should stop spraying and actually aim with it. What attachment are you using for it? I've notice that when you...
You don't need gear to look badass, you need a war face! [IMG]
Yes you will be amazed at its effectiveness as a stealth weapon. Here's my stealth loadout: Silenced FAL with Holographic scope Silenced usp .45...
I personally would do freefall... Sorry for sounding like a top notch physicist... 0=P
I don't wanna sound like a douche, but... WTF is SOH pro!?
I dunno, when I was creating a stealth class that conserves ammo, I tried out the silenced M16 with Acog and cold-blooded, but I didn't like it...