I hate the other sniper rifles, they're for noobs not confident with their sniper. I literally seen people fire off 3 to 5 shots before killing...
lol, i guess you're right about that. Your head will be blown off.
I just like it for the boobs really... Its like almost every female character in that game is topless... well every female boss character, I...
Yes! Since the Barrett .50cal fires, what else, .50 caliber anti-tank rounds, then it also deals incredible damage to soft targets. Your statement...
We already know what snipers do... We're talking about how over-rated the Intervention is compared to the Barrett. IMO, i think that the Barrett...
1. The intervention cannot hit "anything" at "any" distance. There is a limit, supposedly 2,500 yards. 2. Even a trained sniper can't hit...
Oh! You said "ME2" and not "MW2" Now it became a hard decision. I too was contemplating whether I should get ME2 or BC2. I really want to find...
Dude i'd suggest getting Bad Company 2. I generally had more fun playing the BC2 demo than playing MW2. Everything about BC is fun, from driving...
The betas over already!? No wonder when I tried playing yesterday I couldn't sign on. The BC1 demo lasted way longer, up to the point where the...
The Barrett .50cal should be better than the intervention. The only thing the Intervention has over the .50cal is accuracy, since its a bolt...
I prefer the Barrett .50cal. I've fallen in love with it since CoD4. The .50cal is the only sniper rifle I use. I mean, it shoots freaking .50...
I really dont get mad when playing video games, except for fighting games. i hate fighting games. Its all button mashing when I play, and I often...
No, not really. You still sort of have to aim just above their heads a little. No not really, When I played the BC1 demo and bought the game,...
How about Mclovin? Na, somebody already has that... I liked grif better, it sounds cooler than AViTriD, is that a some sort of pun to the avatar...
Well yeah, I knew they "publish" publish, but I fugured should do more than just that. Like advertising, marketing, manufacturing, etc... Check...
Its funny how a couple of years ago, everybody thought Infinity Ward was the greatest **** they've ever crapped out, but now they're just...
Lol okay, I'll play, but in like 45 minutes though, I have to do something really quick before I go online... By the time im done with you, you...
I would like to say FAL with thermal scope and silencer is really hard to use with cold-blooded. I used thermal scope on my FAL on Underpass, and...
You know, I never understood what a publisher for video games does. I know a developer is someone who is creating the game, but what exactly does...
Whats infiltration mode? I've heard that those "features" would be in the story mode as well... You was always able to take cover in double...