Dude, leave the apache, nerf the Hind, its like a flying freakin' tank! Able to transport troops and reign terror from above, combine that with an...
Hell yeah, I have only 3 Vidmaster achievements left to complete them all. Im so close I can feel it. when I get enough people willing and skilled...
Lol, that usually happens to people the first time in the game, it happened to me. On a second note, Semi-automatic sniper rifles in BC2 are for...
Lol yeah, I have the same feelings about the LMGs, but I found if you put the weirdest attachments. Like I fully mastered the AUG HBAR using...
No, they disappear, but land mines stay...
You know what I've notice, There are a lot of M60 and G3 abusers in BC2. When i was gettting raped by a G3 on bllah blah-presa map it made me...
Okay, so I have was playing some Hola 3 ODST (lol) firefight with a friend the other day. He was very determined to get recon armour, and thats...
I fully unlocked everything for the M16, Barrett .50cal, and AUG HBAR. I just need to unlock extended mags for the FAL and I'll have a total of 4...
People in CoD really sucks, people say rank doesn't matter but it does! I just went 38 and 9 and my shitty team still loses by 2 kills. I was...
Trust me! NS-2000 is basically a sniper rifle with slugs and magnum. It probably has like the same amount of range as an ordinary assault rifle,...
Dude, try using the NS-2000 with magnums on, you're definitely a one man army. That gun has ridiculous range! Like I said before, you can use it...
Dude, Just Cause 2 sucks! i played the demo and hated it. I dunno, maybe you might like it, but I would highly recommend getting BC2. Its well...
If anybody actually starts a Team Intervention vs Team Barrett game, send me an invite... you know, since I had the idea... =)
I hate when defenders comes and harass the attackers at their spawn base, and vice-versa, its very annoying. Defenders are suppose to be...
I beg to differ. This game does take some sort of skill to play, for some a lot, for others, very little. Just because your feel that certain...
I mean it doesn't have to be a competitive game. You know, just for the fun of it. i just think it would be cool to play a game where one team is...
Stuns work better even when you don't get a direct hit, with the flash. If you don't get a direct hit with Flashbangs, your prey can easily run...
So did anybody actually do that Team Intervention vs Team Barrett sniper battle?
You my think some of the Beta weapons were awesome, you should see the others. I think i've also said this already in this thread, the M4A1 is...
I've said it once before in this thread and im going to say it again, the NS-2000 is a fudging beast! You can literally shoot out helicopter...