Im not really into techno music without some sort of vocals in it. Sounds like something I heard before though. In a game, I think it was a NFS...
Yeah, this new installment of fable is going to rock. Im glad they took a new approach of interacting with npcs. The emotes seemed a little silly...
Eww, I tried silenced M16, and its horrendous, especially with cold-blooded... Who's going to aim down the scope or sight when in close range?...
Does having different attachment scopes/sights really matter? I have Acog scope on my M16, I like using it more on it rather Holo sight, I can...
I've notice that the M16A1 sucks now... Usually I would only need to shoot 1 burst with stopping power on to kill someone, now I need at least 2...
I'm all for manually doing things, IMO, i think its more effective when you do certain things with your own ability. I don't think it will be...
Man, as if those things weren't already effective. I remember I was playing a game on estate, as I ran into the front door way of the house,...
That was amazing. Its was incredible how everything looked just flat at first, but when starting the head tracking, it looked like you were...
After reading that wiki, Im really considering using the under-mounted shotgun. It seems to be very effective. I think im going to put it on my...
Now that's an attachment that I have rarely seen in MW2. I've never used the under-mount shotgun in multiplayer before and I was just wondering,...
Really? Im going to have to test that out and see if the range is better than the M1014. I generally don't use shotguns. If it is, then I might...
Is the Spas-12 the pump action shotgun?
Heck yeah I do! I have the M1014 on my "Power" and "Blitz" class. I Never use to use it before until I was playing TD on Skidrow. I was inside...