I have to say my favourite load-out has to be the scout. Sprinting is so much more useful than jetpacks. Maybe if your movement was a little...
Why does everyone associate the Original Xbox live with Halo 2? There were plenty of other great games out there. For example, Farcry...
Yes, i would replace character customization with gameplay, or incorporate it with gameplay. Story would also be Campaign. Here's what my rubric...
Is 4chubs a realistic-style skate team? Also, it doesn't have to have only 4 members, it could be like the four founding fathers kinda thing......
Lol, not really. I just like to camp... Camping=high kill/death ratio... and win...
Im a god damn god in this game! I played a game of TD on Derail earlier today I went 51 to 2! I had 2 pavelows and 2 AC-130s! My best record...
You go sarge! I sorta suck at objective games because I never really play them that much. The only objective game i could say im kinda good at...
This fix is for people who are having problems with "Open Tray" errors. This fix requires you to open your Xbox 360. So if your still under...
The M1014 is 3 bazillion times better the striker. If any shotgun is for people who can't get "one shot kills" then its the striker because...
What!? All shot guns are one shot kills as long as you hit center and within killing range. The M1014 is for taking on multiple enemies...
I'll play with you. Im about to sign on right now... send me an invite...
yeah, it definitely looks like its set in the vietnam war. It'll be a new experience from the WWll stuff. Plus, you don't see too many Nam games...
Dude, it doesn't matter. You have a childrens account, you can't download any mature content. Trust me, when I made my gold account, I accidently...
Well, I've graduated High School a couple of months ago and I've been job hunting ever since. I never written a resume before and Im not sure...
Uh, well you really don't gain levels, but you do gain ranks. It really doesn't matter what rank you have anyway. Unless you are part of the...
What is this? The forgehub edition of MTV cribs! Zing! I wish I could post of my gaming setup, but I got nothing to brag about. I don't have a...
The GossipGamers.com article reads: "Microsoft had finally pull the plug on ‘Halo 2′ on Xbox Live and gamers had to say their goodbyes on April...
I love that game. I think im pro at it already, I know most of the tricks and evasion strategies. Im more a defensive driver, lol. I didn't like...
I did it! I got 5 Fall camoed weapons and got 250 headshots with the best shotty ever, M1014. if only there were camos for secondary weapons, or...
So is anyone going to answer my question?