you got all the effect right now you just gotta find the back round
but i do lol
Update: when on last resort go the the botom of the teleported when you moniter,if you dont you die fairly quick
i did, it worked, my new sig is gunna be up in a few seconds
ive seen a ton, i have photoshop i think but how do i get one?
Im only making 1 more outside map, which will be simple, ontop of the rock on valhala ( the one in the ocean) I just wanted to get used to posting...
i did it on halo. i didnt cut it out or anything, i think i have the link in the first post. also i, as you probaly can tell, cannot mod as i am...
that would be cool, ive never tried it
mabye i want to show off that pic
no not it
thats awsome
have you played halo online? most people are to lazy to even do anyhting but talk **** in the pre game lobby
i know there old but alot of people are too lazy to do it themselfs.