first burnie now this! what is this world coming to!!!
Digitalph33r already said he needs no help with voices, ideas, and acting.
Send 9 bazzilion ( if thats even a number) messeges asking for it to a Tj scoot
this is awsome. i know how to do them, but this blows my mind. you cant even tell the elites are closer to the camera
that made me lol
i do have to agree with you. i was inspired by him. I know this isnt gunna make favorites though. his had quality. Also the magic is very easy to...
you said stop showing off my devils turret picture
meh ill sign, my friend got banned to, for having an inopropriot( yes i know its spelled wrong) picture on his file share, and now i always get...
i usualy make my maps with that part, or just have my map enclosed but this is still a very neat wall. 4/5
yeah i cant spell for ****. ill change it
holy crap howd you get an acheivable -bleep bloop sig
theres a link to bungie in the description. Ive had this on my fileshare for quite some time. if it was modded, i would have been banned from...
I wont kill you, ill assasinate you!
pics or it didnt happen.... jk, good pik
ok i guess
i dont really know what happened, i wasnt looking at the screen, then i did look and then i saw white grass
now thats a funny one
whos that
I really dont know how this happened.1 second i wassnt looking at the screen and i kept the game playing, when i got back i saw white grass.In...
lol, i doesnt need to be on aveluanche, but most are take on avalanch