the pictures stink and you didnt emmbed your picures 2/5
make in black and white ( not pen and ink or nova) Ittl make the backround solid white and in my opinion look cooler, But any ways i like it. 4/5
very clean and nice interlocking, the gameplay looks fun 4/5
oh you geo merged! lol 4.5/5 very nice, very clean.
Its still fun. it didnt get it the way that much while testing. Its just the games were quicker than normal slayer games. A major change that made...
i can see it, pretty good pic 3/5
thanks, also, you can do this with gimp?
yes its small but the gameplay is amazing, its a free for all slayer and its very fun, ive tested this with 2,3,5,6,9 and even with more people...
wow first competive map and im getting good reviews! me happy!
yea its hectic gameplay, witch i like, thats why i made it small. also i didnt notice that.
{Cresent battle} [IMG] {click on picture to download} Cresent battle is a close quarters battle arena that has 2 rooms, 3 power weapons, active...
lol that was funny
whats a grey scale.
lol im still testing it. Youll see it shortly, maybe tomorow in competitive maps. called " cresent battle." im still working out the kinks
hello, the Eagles, you cant get better than that.... but i also like Penguinish's thing
oh yeah i know. Its just i dont see this alot. besides, i still think its a good picture, still has some originality to it unlike the blue room...
try using the middle of the teleporter and put it in the middle of the v part ( under it) you might see a bit of green but thats my best bet,...
well i have a map on my fileshare out of black out, i also have a map pack with 10 maps outside- map pack This isnt to advertize it. I just wanto...
yeah you guys can also do this to make unlimited money canvasess
anything by the eagles