eh i like the normal armor
i like aura and the best but you should try and redu aura without shields
Eh i wanted it to be bright so you could see the spartan just a little at first glance, but after you look at it you can see the hole thing.
Nice, you almost got it.....your extremely close by what i can see.
yea i pressed the fastfowarded butten and then
I got a hole in one!!!!!not...
yes, i removed the whole thing from my fileshare, sorry...i needed room
i gots a new one.Youll be offened if your mexican lol [IMG]
thanks, it was pure luck finding this...
Another new pic of mine [IMG]
This is my new pic, engulfed. [IMG]
sony vegus pro 8. I got it for free from a friend.
ummm k thanks. im new to editing so i didnt really know where to put it or stuff.
My first montage, shocasing mine and xtsxsimmskillx's kills throughout a week of filming. we play for fun so its not that good. something ****ed...
ok, thats fine.
My pics_____________________________________________my fileshare, look on the lower spaces for these pics. [IMG] lock and load [IMG] light...
i didnt put it on. My sisters did. i already changed it cuz it was annoying with the vidrant colors
lol, picture of my sisters and her friend and brother.Im gunna probaly change it tonight or something( note how i have this page up in the pic)...
how do you do the oil and the split colors, i always wanted to know. anywas, fantastic pictures,very cool. but the first one is obviously the...