[IMG] I refuse to participate in this broken system.
no promethean vision allowed in the gametype. explodey flood hides behind walls and scares the **** out of people. win.
i said this in the chatbox but i'll say again here, it would be really cool if alpha zombie had the ability to send out swarms of those little...
agreed on that much! carbine ftw. i am also really anxious to see how the light rifle compares. it looks amazing (design) but from watching...
ehhh i guess i would take valhalla. i mean, they are all fun and ****, but im just tired of them visually
im guessin the answer is "no" but does anyone know if they've mentioned if those (longbow/exile) are our BTB maps, or if we're getting something...
holy **** that is awesome about the Flood. i have some wonderings about that giant mech though... cant wait to see more about that. i wonder if...
the killcam thing and the other "COD-izing" things only bother me on principle. saving my rage for if it actually wrecks the game, but i really...
yea, im anxious to see that in action too, although i can see it resulting in me constantly jumping off the map, lol
re: br>dmr cqc i think its already been said that that is the case, plus it is pretty apparent in the many gameplay videos that are out there....
Solace looks amazing. That and Haven and Adrift i can see becoming competitive favorites. as far as it looking dirty/horrible?? idk, i think you...
not necessarily true. a lot of studios outsource stuff to other smaller studios. for examples, the multiplayer maps being made by another studio...
OG Toonami fan REBOOT FTW
lol =P
hahahahaha +10 internets miraj
who knows if we were even picked, we haven't had the best history. but if we were, you can be sure that its top secret. we did get early access...
pretty sure they are fully supporting the forge community from day one. i heard that early copies of the game are going out to prominent forge...
haven't you already smelt that coming? we haven't had a new halo this fast since never. along with the new changes to the game that make it more...
those hints are neogaf exclusives, ha