well, i am a fan of CQB chaos. it reminds me of condemned and countdown which are a couple of my favorites. holy crap, that new map Abandon is...
i feel like i am the only one who thinks Adrift looks awesome...
if brute chopper was the secret reveal, i would ***
nah, playin reach
i noticed that too. perhaps an attempt to nerf camping there?
wow, that thing is cool. i hope it's not so OP'd that it ends up never being used, like the scorpion.
now we just need a custom gametype where we attach cables on the backs of Ghosts and then we drive around its legs and make it trip and fall
i dont have stats for this, but i'd imagine that with a game as massively popular as halo, the casual players do make up the majority. so while it...
boltshot is gonna be so pro. really happy with that nerf on the jetpack. i still think im gonna be all about the thrusters instead though.
i am most eager to use the new weapons. top 5 i'd say would be BR, Railgun, Scattershot, Boltshot, Binary Rifle
did they? damn, i must have missed that one. >:( edit- oh i see what you mean... i was thinking it'd be something else separate from that crazy...
i had not seen that before! holy **** grifball looks awesome now! as far as the map, my suspicion is that it is the new "coliseum" area and that,...
this has been discussed in some other threads too but... i want one in a covie ship, similar to that one firefight map in reach that was in a...
i wish i could throw my jetpack at someone and cause them to fly off the map on accident, like i used to in H3. that was always supreme lols....
im trying to stay positive and excited but i can see both sides of a lot of the arguments that have gone on here and also on other sites. certain...
lol @ the hentai dildo comment that makes it even more terrifying! and thats a good thing.
wowwww dat complex and dat railgun! looks awesome. now its definitely clear that complex is a large map as well. jacking the mantis is probably...
that is some awesome info, thanks for posting that! (podcast info) like most of the "call of halo" type of changes, we really just have to wait...
i agree with this. it is the new SMG and it is amazing.
the only thing that bugs me is still the random of the weapon drop. when that binary drops, every derp on the map is gonna run for it like hell....