yea, Forward unto Dawn was pretty decent, lookin forward to the rest. why is Lasky's brother a matt damon lol
it could be explained away by simply saying that the Elites are AI controlled holograms, programmed to behave like the covenant have based on data...
personally i dont care, but he does have a point. if it's a simulation, why would they not simulate themselves fighting against their enemies,...
"Sooooo, what exactly is the purpose of a mongoose.? I just don't get it." - Ryan McAffrey, everyone.
here's Meltdown on youtube for those who couldnt get it to play. looks awesome. Halo 4 News - NEW Meltdown Map Gameplay!!! - YouTube
we were limited at first with our options in customs, then they gave us Haloball and all the crazy stuff that came out of that... i see your...
exactly this. im not saying "**** competitive players" but really, halo has always been a casual game moreso than competitive. the...
that's where 3/4 of the population already was anyway...
that is old news, and no one knows yet
i'm sure MLG will complain about everything and then end up making their own forge variants and only using the BR.
new trials DLC tomorrow 100 new editor objects, 36 new tracks, and BMX mode yay, something to do until halo 4
fappin Edited by merge: "Ragnarok" Multiplayer Map Walkthrough With 343i - Halo 4 (Xbox 360) - IGN Video Ryan McCaffrey sucks so much balls....
definitely not. the flood were the coolest. brutes were just... meh. but... Knights... they look ****in kick-ass and i can't wait to fight all...
ahahahaha what have i sparked!!!! different strokes for different folks edit- for the record, i loved chiron, backwash, AND hang em high. shows...
i think Spire just may be the worst halo map of all time...
are these all being released over the course of the next month? or is it all as part of one halo 4 mega-feature that we will get to see over this...
well, the i way i take that is that they want to force us to give the new ctf a chance instead of us all automatically refusing and going to...
zero gravity uber thruster powered sword arena battles, here we come! i foresee a lot of bad ones, and one really great one.
nice to see more footage of the thrusters in use. is it just me, or do the thrusters seem "boosted" in flood mode? i seem to remember some earlier...
yeah, he mentioned that in the video. really looks like it should be fun for good ole TS as well though. i wonder how far out off the cliff we...