the cursor goes over it right at the start of the video, about 20 seconds in.
not necessarily... maybe i'm crazy but i swear i noticed common pieces between both Ravine and Impact, and they both seemed to be the same...
yea... i noticed that too =\ you can see some familiar pieces throughout the video, pieces that we've already seen on ravine and in reach......
if this is true... and our orientation is actually rotated based on gravity... the possibilities are truly astounding... anyone remember that game...
here the youtube Exclusive Halo 4 Forge Mode Details - YouTube Shoe, that cave looks sexy but judging from the pieces, they seem the same as on...
judging from Relay, i have the impression we have a bit of room to go out into space and make floating space maps. from the rest of the video it...
i noticed there is some kind of hole in the base floor of the non-deleteable building on Impact... am i hallucinating? what if it leads down to...
oh my god, Impact and Relay look ****ing holy **** amazing frothing at the mouth... !!! i wonder how far out we can go in Impact
i dont know. i have not checked the editor yet, ive just been working on all the tracks. here's a link Trials 2 SE (PC) - Trials HD (XBLA) •...
they better keep sword cancelling in it. no really, if they remake H2, there will probably be a bunch of minor changes that make everyone all...
thus lies the problem of trying to learn to draw by copying anime. another horse that i have beat to death.
my times on all of the extreme tracks seem to disagree with you
most of those are just my first runs on the course after having not played the game for months. so yea, doesnt count. i'll go back and beat your...
bottom line is their costume artist sucks... even with the costumes being foam, there are ways to paint it to make it look real, and then its on...
i like the part where the guy with no muscles at all was doing handstand pushups
but daaaad, i am the only ODST who does back flips
i like most everything about it. here are the things i disliked: the costumes. they just look lame and fake. some of the acting, as mentioned...
unless sprint is disabled, i dont see small maps working out very well... thats probably why the maps are all larger. imagine sprint + thrusters...
wtf... its not on the marketplace yet. theres like 5 different websites saying it would be released today. edit- there was some kind of problem...