although i'm excited for forge 3.0, if the objects shown in the video are any indication towards what the palette is going to be like, it's going...
2d or 3d ? how much time are you willing to devote to this? something to know before you start : animating is NOT easy and most professional...
at least it looks more fun than minecraft. probably should be on PC instead
I like "Tinariwen" and "Gasoline" a lot. Nice work. "Check" is pretty cool also. were those drawn with a reference or from memory? "Voyager"...
looks really good, but i do agree with everyone, that arm looks weird, like its not even attached to him at all. learning to take criticism is...
oh happy noodle boy, how i miss you **** invader zim [img]
when i said site update i meant FH site update
im pretty sold after watching the 4 videos that were on the site update yesterday. im still a little butthurt about many of the changes, but ****,...
nice model loscocco are u still using c4d ?
im not saying grifball should completely die, i just think they should be focusing more on the core gameplay instead of catering to the favorite...
this is the only halo 4 video ive seen so far that made me want to play the game.
VERY skeptical about all those changes, **** all that and **** grifball. they're paying way too much attention to this silly **** imo.
its funny because H4 is looking pretty stupid so far.
wtf??? ****in weird.
the deeper you dig into metal, the more you grow to appreciate traditional stuff instead of new stuff. the lack of originality in the new stuff...
lurkmoarbro, poopboxhijackteam2012
musically it is not bad but its just not my style. too cookie cutter for me the typical alternation between metalcore breakdown and fast...