this map is really good and complex DL for me
You should repost this in the MLG section
Awesome DL For m. it is a little messy though
Cool I am putting grav lifts under the map in my newest MLG map MLG Vibe (coming soon)
good idea
Sweet map Tips: Get rid of the double box, add more cover, differ base from ons a little(love the pillar in the middle of it),Merge the wall...
Thanx Thanx for the feedback for those who sent it.
Get rid of the forklift , trucks, and add something well thought out. Tips:"Only use immovable objects or make them immovable","Sketch it...
most of my posts are well thought out like "you should add more cover by the double box and ad some custom angles". but i will put more thought...
Cool Cool map. It could use some work like "A" is too low "B" is interesting but (I would suggest to get rid of the double boxes) and the front...
OK Very sloppy. You can fix it by interlocking the bases better(the bridges), making the middle smaller, and is it B or Purple.
Great Great map. It could use more cover especially at tower and he ramp wall at "B" is off center.
Interesting it is very Interesting for MLG and its a little bit sloppy. Try turning your boxes upside down and you geomerged one stair but not...
a wee bit sloppy Its a little sloppy like that part with the 3 walls stacked on top of eachother. and some of the bridges are at a tilt. 3.5/5
Great Interlocking....... It looks like it would be a non MLG map but its an ok map. And what the guy below me says too small for rockets.
Sloppy It is kinda sloppy and plain it could use more work. the middle "wall corner"(made out of 2 single walls) is crooked.
Nice map overall its great for an asymmetrical I dont really like the fence boxes but its o k.
Great map Awesome map...... Some custom angles would make it outstanding!
Awesome I think this is as good as Regicide (Fritzster's upcoming map).
Too Plin way too plain, to get featured you could add some really cool geomerges, custom angels, and some elevation. Its ok